Apr 27, 2011

Marry me, Mary landed Japan メリは外泊中 (updated 2011.06.10)

Jang Geun Suk (23) and co-starring actress  Moon Geun Young's drama 'Mary me, Mary" will be aired on TBS Japan from May 20, every weekday morning 10:05~11:00.

April 26, In the afternoon, the press call held in The Imperial Palace Hotel,  Soeul.

pic: credit as tagged from Japan media

clip source: Innolife
uploader: Youth @moonsclub

I. shooting moment.

II. interview: greetings then introduce Marry me, Mary and the role's character, then Jang and Moon commented the role in the drama.  At the end of the clip, Jang was talking about the kiss scene and made fun to the viewer.

below clip they talked about each other.  Already translated by a lot of English/Chinese medias/forums/bbs, just to share the Youtube version.

May 6 is Moon's b'day, so the organizer arranged the cake and surprise party.

III Moon accepted the piggie and said "Cutie" in Japanese.  Jang said "is it a  Piggie ?" in Japanese then rcvd the piggie too.

Moon " A little bit embarrassed (shy). Thank you all! "
Jang " super busy recently, my 2nd Asia tour 'the CRI show' began, but very happy that MMM can be aired in Japan..... (introduce the new single and say sori to the fan in Japan, and good wishes for MMM in Japan)"
Moon "very happy to see all of you, and thanks for coming (some reporters are coming from Japan to Korea for the press call).....(best wishes for the MMM viewers)"

And DVD Japan version will be released June 3, 2011

Amazon.co.jp link: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/mpd/permalink/mSRJSUGR98OGL/ref=ent_fb_link

Apr 23, 2011

Donate Angel vs the Best Woman of Destiny

News source: BNT news, BreakNews, JKSTARS, StarMK etc the Korea medias

recap and translated by  Ivy @moonsclub

Singer Kim Jang-hoon,  Moon Geun-young 'sharing, caring, a rising star'  were selected as #1 and #2 respectively

April 20, 2011 the Disability Mentoring Day, according to the questionnaire "'who is the sharing, caring, a rising star?" surveyed to 523 disabled patients during April 1 to April 18 given by 7Star instructor EDU representatives, resulted Kim Jan-hoon (201 patients votes 38.4%) no. 1, followed by Moon Geun-young (173 patients, 33.1%) ranked #2.

Kim Jang-hoon contributed more than 10 billions wons to those poor and childhood cancers patients , he donated most of his incomes of performances and CF to social ideal.

Moon Geun Young donated 800 millions wons  (2008 Social Welfare Community Chest at her early 20s anonymously).

News source: Sports Chosun and TVReport
recap and translated by Ivy @moonsclub

The survey held by Cine21 Seoul from April 1 to April 18, the result of "Who is the ideal actress of Korean version of 'Jane Eyre'?" revealed, Li Min Jung (SBS Midas마이더스) rcvd overwhelming support from the netizens at the rating of 50.8%.  Nation's Younger Sister Moon Geun Young rcvd 36% of support ranked #2.

Apr 9, 2011

BASIC HOUSE Summer 2011 Catalogue+Making

cr: Basic House + Moonsclub

cr: Namoo / Basic House