Jan 30, 2011

Jang Geun Suk was talking about Moon Geun Young on his FM-Jan 29 in Seoul

pic cr: KBSMARY as tagged

Jang Geun Suk here below abbr. JGS
Moon Geun Young here below abbr. MGY

Jan 29, 2011 JGS's FM in Seoul, Korea.  Would like to credit back the orig writers:
DCBH 퍼플문  and DC/Mary ♬라리

Summary of above two threads recap by 千山暮雪@moonsclub文瑾莹中文论坛 in Chinese
English translation by 54IVY @moonsclub

Fan's query to JGS regarding MGY:
"who is your favorite co-starring actress? "

JGS replied "Moon Geun Young" without hesitate.  Said "Moon Geun Young is not an ordinary actress definitely,  she is a strictly self-criticism, and will not force to throw in the towel, she has her definite view, and she is amazing always"

JGS continued  "we talk it over (for filming etc), and we fight sometimes, but we get along with each other".  JGS was so surprised and said "there is another person that was so much identical to myself",
"you can say, JGS is male version MGY, and MGY is female version JGS"
"we had made the appointment to go out for a drink sometimes, and didn't make it yet"
 "in conclusion, we are very alike, and we build up our mutual trust too"

Fan's comments: "in stead of saying love,  might as well be called  bosom friend for the relationship between JGS and MGY" ""a really kindred spirit to whom with the same wave  to each other."

Remark by 54IVY @moonsclub: above dialogs written by fans at DCINSIDE as credit as above, maybe it is a 3rd point of view and way of talking.  Please mind.

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