Feb 20, 2011

Bazaar March - Moon Geun Young interview UPDATED FEB 27, 2011

Chinese Translation by 付臨春 @Moonsclub
English Translation by Ivy @Moonsclub
pic cr: 랄.@DCBH + Bazaar

398 INTERVIEW  Moon Geun Young's existential philosophy is sexy.

This is the 1st time in knowing Moon Geun Young can be slightly sexy.  Yet, it is not come out  from sensual dressings/postures, but from constantly self-exploration  and the philosophic depth thoughts of anxiety.

More than ever, listen to Moon Geun Young the most interesting dialogues are introduced.

* orig size of pic from BAZAAR, enjoy^^

Moon Geun Young looking mature for BAZAAR

Moon Geun Young showed off her mature and tom-boyish beauty through the upcoming issue of BAZAAR.
A couple scans from her feature in the magazine were posted online, and her fans were surprised with her new look.
In the photos, she is wearing chic outfits that are revealing, but not in the obvious ways. Her short hairstyle makes her look young and mature at the same time, and the simple outfits definitely accentuate her gorgeous face.
Fans wrote, “Moon Geun Young’s charms made her mature even more” and “I have a mystical obsession with these mature and charming photos.
Source: JoongAng via Nate

updated Feb 27, 2011 the 1200p pics from Bazaar page

cr: Moonsclub at Moon Geun Young 1200p Bazaar pages download