Feb 24, 2011

CHINA ' BASIC HOUSE ' clips for Interview/Making + Fashion Catalogue issue 01

Interview w/Chinese Sub, English translation please see page down below.
 Moon was speaking a little Mandarin in this film after the Q&A conversation ^^
 "大家好! 我是文根英, 很高兴见到你们"
(Pinyin: Dà jiā hǎo! Wall shì wén gēn yīng, hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ men)
 (English: Hello everyone!  I am Moon Geun Young, very happy to see y'all) " 

The Making story of  China ' BASIC HOUSE | 2011 Spring | ' 
Moon did echo up and portray the concept of Spring.  Feel like to swing too^^
 Moon rec'd good comments from the working team during shooting for her charm and attitude.

More pics from Internet

China ' BASIC HOUSE | 2011 Spring | ' catalogue - ' It's a Swinging Day '

New making released April 30, 2011