Feb 18, 2011

[Fan diary] Feb 17, 2011 FM4U review ★ 2011.2.17 a tribute starring Moon Geun-young

cr: 우짜다 @DCBH
fans from DCBH visit the crew of FM4U with delicious f&b

[fancam] Moon on the white van back home after live radio at FM4U, watch here

more pic and gif

And rcvd the post from Soompi at our FB, tks for the Translation  and sharing ^^

[MGY: Moon Geun Young; HEH: Hong Eun Hee]

Stream Audio: http://chirb.it/MbzpDa

HEH: Alright, we'll try to quickly cover the questions.
MGY: Yes.
HEH: JEJ ssi asked, "What's the harder nickname between 'nation's younger sister' and 'dong-an' (looking young for your age)?"
MGY: Uh, I like both of them.
HEH: Ah, they're not hard?
MGY: Yes, they're not hard.
HEH: Ah..
MGY: I think it's like that now, since I don't think of myself as a younger sister now. So when I hear that, I am more thankful.. and thankful that there are still people who call me that now.
HEH: Ah.. you're thankful.
MGY: Yes.
HEH: Haha.
HEH: What about "dong-an"?
MGY: Truthfully, I think that is better. Some people say, "You look the same.. like a kid" and say things like that, but that means I can act in a lot of pretty roles for a longer period of time right? And since I'll look older later. 
HEH: You're lucky. Haha. I'm jealous. 
HEH: This is KHJ ssi, "How do you feel about attending school... with freshmen born in '92?"
MGY: Hehehe. Yes. Hahaha.
HEH: Are the freshmen's now born in '92?!
MGY: I think they are.
HEH: Wow.
HEH: She asks, "How does an '87er returning student MGY feel about this?".
MGY: My dongseng (younger sibling).. my real younger sister is born in 1992.
HEH: Ah really?
MGY: Yes.
HEH: She must have been a really late child then?
MGY: Yes. So I guess you could say it feels like I'm attending school with my dongseng.
HEH: Since you're friends. Hehe.
MGY: A bit sad (because MGY is not the same age as her classmates).
HEH: Sad and a bit.. you'll probably have to buy a lot of food then?
[Upperclassmen tend to buy underclassmen food.]
MGY: Yes probably.. but I like it.. when I see young friends. 
HEH: Is your (sole) goal this year to graduate?
MGY: No. I want to work harder attending school and do a project if I can.
MGY: I would like to accomplish a lot of it [referring to her own personal development], since I spent last year so busily.
MGY: Though, if I take on a new project, I still feel like I can do it and immerse myself in it completely.
MGY: Ah, yet I feel that there aren't (new) things of myself to show people..
MGY: So I would like a bit of personal time for myself (to develop).
HEH: You are ambitious.
MGY: Um... not really. [Being modest.]
HEH: Hahaha.
HEH: BSM ssi asked, "What is your drinking tolerance level?"  
MGY: Drinking tolerance level… Well, it's different depending on the situation... 
HEH: How much do you drink when you drink a lot? Um.. it doesn't really suit you.. the word drinking tolerance level..
MGY: Well um.. you see.. when I control the speed well..
HEH: Hehe.
MGY: Manage the pace well.. 
HEH: You're a specialist.
MGY: Hehe.
HEH: Haha.
MGY: If I drink like that.. then I can endure well till the end..
HEH: Yes.
MGY: And if I do not.. there have been times when I fell asleep really early..
MGY: And beer.. my tolerance is almost infinite..  
HEH: Infinite.. That's the scariest though.. 
MGY: Hehe.
HEH: I see.. although it doesn't really suit you.
MGY: Hehe.
HEH: But since you're half of 50..
MGY: Yes.
HEH: Haha. 
MGY: I'm half of 50.
HEH: So it's okay.
HEH: OJO ssi said, "You recently became a couple with Won Bin ssi for a brand, how did it feel to have met WB ssi again after Autumn Tale ten years ago?"
HEH: What kind of things did you talk about with WB ssi?
MGY: Truthfully, we weren't able to say much.
HEH: Really? 
MGY: Well, since it was when I did Autumn Tale...
[Back in 2000, around her debut, when MGY was a child actress.]
HEH: Yes.
MGY: So to me, he was this really big celebrity..  
HEH: Yes.
MGY: And truthfully, since I haven't met him since then.. my feelings are still the same.
HEH: Oh.
MGY: So.. although people around me tell me that the situation has changed now..
[Both top stars.]
HEH: Yes.
MGY: They tell me to get along with him.. but it's still a bit hard to comfortably greet each other.. 
MGY: And.. I think oppa felt a little like that too.. 
HEH: Hahaha.
MGY: The baby that he saw.. all of a sudden has grown up to be this somewhat different thing... And since I have fully grown up and came before him again.
HEH: Uh, it would have been a bit awkward then? 
MGY: Yes so.. it was a little awkward.
HEH: Were you by yourselves? 
MGY: No, we did talk sometimes.. we did talk.. but still this.. 
HEH: Awkward..
MGY: Underlying.. 
HEH: That.. I think I know what you're talking about. 
MGY: Haha.
HEH: Keke.
HEH: 9945 nim, "Is there something that you really like these days?"
MGY: Is there something that I really like? Beer? Hehe.
HEH: Hahaha. Really?
MGY: Yes since the weather has been chilly..
MGY: Just sipping.
HEH: Just sipping? Haha.
MGY: Not a lot.. just sipping.. just a little.
HEH: Ah yoo cute~
MGY: Lightly.
HEH: Yes. 
MGY: 7372 nim, "Well-mannered MGY ssi, is there a particular rude behavior that you cannot tolerate?"
MGY: Uh.. I don't know about other things but.. just things related to no manners..
HEH: Manners..
MGY: Things without manners..
MGY: That's a little...
HEH: If you see a behavior like that, that catches your eye, do you tend to say something or do you tend to act like you didn't see it?
MGY: I think it differs depending on the situation.
MGY: If it's a person who I can say it to and if it's a person who if I say it will listen, then I do.. 
MGY: But if it's not... um.. how should I say this..
HEH: Do you tend to not bother with it?
MGY: Yes.
HEH: Um.. end?
MGY: End.
HEH: End~
HEH: 0910 nim said, "I'm going to be restudying for the college exam this year. MGY ssi could you please give me a word of encouragement?"
MGY: Yes. Do not get distracted while studying.. and do not give up until the end.. and although it may seem like it's far away.. control your pace well.. and I really hope you will have good results. Fighting!
HEH: Ah yes. Fighting.
HEH: This is HYN ssi, "I am GY unni's fan who will become an elementary 5th grader.."
MGY: Hehe. And she says, "I have this guy that I like but I'm not able to confess my feelings..."
MGY: Aww..
HEH: "... if you like a guy (GY) unni, how do you unni show your feelings? So that I can follow you." 
MGY: Uh.. how should I.. well, first, if there is someone that I like.. I don't show it well.
HEH: Do you tend to turn cold towards him? Or act as if you don't..?
MGY: Um.. because I'm shy. 
HEH: Ah.
MGY: Yes.. So I try to hide it.. that I like this person.
HEH: Because you'll be found out?
MGY: Yes, so that the other person won't know.
HEH: Um.. he should know though.
MGY: Right?
HEH: So what do you do afterwards?
MGY: But as times passes.. that person likes me too.
HEH: Yes, we're curious to know what happens in between..
MGY: That's what I don't know well.. I think the behaviors that I do to try to not show my feelings..
HEH: I think it may have shown a bit even through those behaviors...  
MGY: I think so.
HEH: I see.
MGY: Yes. I think it's best to just truthfully confess your feelings.
HEH: Even though she's a 5th grader? Hahaha.
MGY: Even though she's a 5th grader... you can still be together as good friends.
HEH: Yes.
MGY: And you have a lot of days ahead of you.
HEH: Future?
MGY: Yes.
HEH: So she should tell the truth?
MGY: Um.. I think it might be better to truthfully confess.
HEH: HYN yang, okay?
MGY: If not, you'll regret it later. 
HEH:  She's a 5th grader. What kind of regret could she have? Haha.
MGY: Hehe. Even though...
HEH: You're right. Since we also can't disregard them.
MGY: Yes.
HEH: This is CKH ssi, "GY ssi, are you more similar to Eun-Jo or to Mary?
MGY: Um.. This type of question is always the hardest..
MGY: I'm similar to Eun-Jo and I'm similar to Mary.. and I think I'm different from Eun-Jo and different from Mary.
HEH: Ah.
MGY: Yes.
HEH: So.. you possess many things?
MGY: Yes. Similar aspects.. of course there would be similar aspects since it was the Eun-Jo that I acted.. but from the start.. 
MGY: We're two different beings, right? She's Eun-Jo and I'm MGY. 
MGY: Because of that aspect, there would also be differences between us.
MGY: Well so.. Truthfully, before I start a project, I am able to see the differences, and the similarities.
MGY: But when the project ends, there are things that I don't want to separate between her and myself.
HEH: Ah.
MGY: Yes, so if you ask me who I'm more closer to or similar to, my answer is always that I don't know very well. 
HEH: That there are many characters that live inside of me.
HEH: This is LTG ssi, "MGY ssi, you're the same age as me, but how come it feels like we're different? How did you become so mature?" 
MGY: I'm still not mature. 
HEH: But you do seem mature.
MGY: Um.. people around me say that it's because I started working since I was young. They say that it's probably because of that. But, what I feel is that I'm just the same and not mature. And not like an adult. [Being modest.]
HEH: I think it's because of your sincere personality that people see you like that.
MGY: Ah.
HEH: That was LTG ssi's question.

credit: Soompi Moons